The 100 Most Influential people in History
By rabeearazzak123

This article is subjected to make the muslim ummah realize their weaknesses and try to enhance gradually.

Published in: World
Date: 23 / 11 / 18

"The 100 most influential people"is a book written by Michael Hart.In his book he boldly inscribes the Holy Prophet's name (Muhammad pbuh) as the leading character of all influential people in the world. Despite of being resisted by the christians,who were of the opinion that Jesus pbuh should have been preferred by the author. Michael Hart gave remarkable evidences and reasons for his choice.

Alhumdulillah... this is the beauty of the Holy prophet pbuh (the beloved Prophet) who is not only the hero of monotheists but a protagonist for the entire world...this should be an extremely proudful moment for the muslims who with the grace of Allah are the followers of the one who was,is, and will always be the truthful and the honest.

But unfortunately we are still more influenced by the western culture, and this cultural dominance has deviated the muslims from their true origins...Consequently we are more attracted towards the activities that have been forbidden by Allah and his Prophet but we still have the opportunity to reunite ourselves and show the world what actual peace is, what leadership is and how every matter of the world needs to be tackled. May Allah guides us towards tge right path. Ameen. 

Rabeea Sangani.


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